News — holidays
Sensory Gifts for the Holiday Season
anxiety gift ideas holidays sensory gifts sommerfly weighted blankets

As this time of year can bring on sensory overload among sensory sensitive people, we can value and share the gift of being a calming presence with loved ones. When we maintain rituals and routines that help children feel connected and calm, we can then mindfully incorporate seasonal and holiday themes with less overwhelm. Whether it is reading together, listening to music together, baking cookies together, or eating dinner together, routine sensory-based activities can help with self-regulating rhythms of activity and rest. During this season of gift giving, you may want to treat your loved one with a gift...
Tips for a Calm Thanksgiving
anxiety decrease stress holidays hollie marron sommerfly Thanksgiving weighted blankets

During this season of giving thanks, we have the opportunity to appreciate and express gratitude for the many blessings that nourish our “sense” of well-being. At the same time, our nervous systems can be challenged in responding to changes in daily rhythms of light and dark, sleep, eating, and physical activity. For people who are sensory sensitive and rely on routine, predictable sensory experiences to function well, the holiday season can be a strain on one’s inner resources and adaptability in managing the day to day. To help balance the effect of the stressors of the season, it is...