News — weighted blankets

Summer Schedule To Help With Emotional Regulation And Sleep

anxiety decrease stress Schedule sommerfly summer weighted blankets

Summer Schedule To Help With Emotional Regulation And Sleep

Summer fun, out of school, long days full of sun, free-time… These are ideas that usually evoke a sense joy but for some can be a recipe for stress. Summer is full of these experiences. Changes in regular routines that work and school provide sometime causes stress that can lead to dysregulated emotions. This can be true for both children and adults. The goal is to achieve a balance of fun opportunities within a schedule and stay emotionally regulated. Providing a visual schedule for yourself or the children in your life is a helpful tool to keep the calm and...

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The Sommerfly Story

kristi langslet sommerfly story weighted blankets

The Sommerfly Story

Sommerfly™ Products began in 2005. We set out on our journey to deliver sensory-based products of the highest quality design and construction that would truly improve the lives of those in need.  Sommerfly began when co-founder Kristi Langslet, a practicing Occupational Therapist since 1988, designed and made products for her clients to meet specific needs related to Sensory Processing. Sleep, calm and focus were some of the primary challenges of her clients in the Therapy Clinic in which she worked.  As positive feedback of improved sleep and focus and calm rolled in it became very clear what Kristi had created worked and worked well. This didn't...

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Weighted Blankets for PTSD

ptsd veterans weighted blankets

Weighted Blankets for PTSD

This article addresses the use of weighted blankets as a tool to help a person self-regulate, particularly as pertaining to treatment of symptoms of PTSD.

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